Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Browse Manual » Wiring » » » » » Reasons to Quit Smoking

Reasons to Quit Smoking


* Your chance of developing many cancers will be drastically reduced.
* Your family and friends will be able to breath fresh air for a change.
* You’ll have more money in your pocket for much nicer things.
* Your lungs and heart will finally be able to recover from all the abuse.
* All those dangerous chemicals will eventually be flushed from

your blood stream.
* You won’t smell of stale cigarette smoke anymore.
* Non-smokers will no longer see you as a weak addictive person.
* You’ll feel much healthier and stronger every day without cigarettes
* You’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment soon after quitting and
confidence will be high.
* People who understand how difficult it really is will respect you and know
that it is a great obstacle to finally defeat.


* Have faith in yourself that you can quit smoking.
* Write down the reasons why you want to quit smoking.

Your reasons for quitting the habit of smoking can be your family,

your health, or money.
* Seek support from family members and friends. The support of family

and friends is important in the process of quitting the habit of smoking.
* Participate in exercise programs. Joining an exercise program is

also a good therapy for you to quit smoking.
* Practice deep breathing. Deep breathing for three to five minutes

everyday aids in the process of withdrawing from your smoking habit

To do this, practice inhaling very slowly and holding your breath for

a few seconds, then exhaling through the mouth.
* Look for someone who also want to quit smoking. Finding someone who also
wants to quit smoking is a good way to cope with the withdrawal process.
* Determine what triggers your addiction to smoke. It will be easier

for you to quit smoking if you know what causes your addiction.


* Make a mental note of the reasons for quitting the habit.
* Keep the mind busy.
* Drink a lot of water.
* Relax.
* Munch on oral substitutes.