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Acne and Prevention
Acne and Prevention
Acne and How to Prevent. Have you felt insecure because of the appearance of acne on your face? Must have, and indeed everyone has experienced it. Acne is disturbing, making you feel less confident and of course wanted to get rid of our faces. Various efforts have been undertaken, ranging from medical to alternative ways. The goal is only one remove acne and look pretty back to normal. Acne can also be a headache, stress and depression that attempts to abolish it does not go to show results ..
Acne or Acne vulgaris is a skin disease characterized by inflammation of the bumps and hair follicles glands characterized by papules and komedo.Folikel are skin pores where hair growth. Papule is a small solid lump as a needle to the size of beans. Acne is usually found on the face, but can also be found on the back, chest and arms. Acne is a skin problem that most numerous and most often affects adolescents. Almost everyone has experienced it, so sometimes acne is not considered a disease. No one is 100% never experienced.
Acne is rare in childhood or pre-teens. During adolescence acne is a problem, particularly in cosmetics. Teens usually become less confident and trying to find a cure. In general, women experience acne in adolescents at age 14-17 years, whereas in men aged 16-19 years. Generally acne can heal itself and leaving a small scar. In a girl acne can occur before puberty and gradually decreases during adolescence. But sometimes it can be settled in women up to the age of 30 years. In men faster reduced acne, severe acne, but it is more common in men.
Causes of Acne
There are many myths about the causes of acne. Some call dirty blood, fatty foods or even acne is a sign as being a crush on someone, miss the person and others. Medically cause of acne is not known, but were related to the following factors:
- Keratinasi pattern changes in the follicles. Keratinasi initially loose change into a solid so Suli separated from the oil gland follicle duct
- Increased sebum production leading to increased inflammation as blackheads and acne-causing substances. Acne is hard always characterized by spending a lot of sebum.
- The formation of free fatty acids causes an inflammatory process in the sebaceous follicles
- Increases the amount of bacteria that play a role in the process of follicular inflammation (Corinebacterium acne, and Staphylococcus epidemies Pyrysporum ovale) and the establishment of lipolytic enzymes that form free fatty acids.
- The occurrence of antibody responses that aggravate body acne sufferers
- Increased levels of the hormone androgen, anabolic, estrogen, progesterone, corticosteroids and ACTH are thought to be an important factor in the formation of lymph Minya
- Stes that can trigger production of the oil glands.
- Another factor is age, race, heredity, food, cosmetics, weather and food. Some opinions say certain foods associated with acne, but research shows no correlation with the occurrence of acne food.
Acne and Cosmetics
The use of certain cosmetics continuously in a long time is likely to cause mild acne. The material comes from a variety of causes acne cream face like powder foundation (foundation), moisturizer (moisturizer), sun cream holder / sunscreen (sunscreen) and night cream (night cream) that contain ingredients such as lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils and chemicals such as butyl stearate, lauiril alcohol, ingredients D & C red dyes and oleic acid).
Type of cosmetics can cause acne does not depend on the price, brand, and the purity of the material. Uncertain relationship between duration of use of cosmetics with acne severity.
Symptoms of Acne
Acne usually occurs during adolescence / start puberty. Acne is characterized by the presence of blackheads. When inflammation occurs it will appear papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. When cured can leave black spots and even scarring. Acne commonly appears on the face, back and chest. There are three (3) forms of acne are blackheads type, type and type konglobata papulapustuler. Type in the form of blackheads blackheads alone, a mixture of types papulapustuler papules and pustules, while konglobata is the type of acne that big or often known as cystic acne.
Acne prevention
There are a few tips to prevent or reduce the recurrence of acne bertambahberatnya include:
- Avoid an increase in the amount of sebum and sebum content changes such as reducing intake of carbohydrates and fats (though not believed to influence). Expand the consumption of fruits and vegetables to reduce oil gland production and many are drinking water. Make skin care and cleanse the skin of impurities and microorganisms that play a role in the mechanism of acne.
- Avoid trigger factor of acne among others with regular life and healthy and get enough rest, enough exercise, avoid stress. Use cosmetics sparingly. Avoid alcohol, spicy foods, smoking and unhealthy environment that can trigger the activity of oil glands. Avoid dust, and not carelessly squeeze pimples because it can cause scarring which will aggravate the acne itself
Foremost of acne treatment is to prevent and reduce the appearance of scar recurrence frequency jerawat.Perlu understand acne is caused by a type of skin and hormonal changes during puberty. Acne is a turn-kumatan, could only control and reduced recurrence, can not be cured.
Acne treatment principally consists of topical treatment / outdoor, systemic treatment and skin surgery.
Topical treatment to prevent formation of blackheads, suppress inflammation, speed healing. Topical medicines consist of irritants to the skin peel / peeling (sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, retinoic acid, aseleat acid, and the latter is used AHA / alpha hydroxy acid and glycolic acid), topical antibiotics to reduce the bacterial in the follicles of the oil glands (oxytetracycline, erythromycin and clindamycin), anti inflammatory topical (hydrocortisone, triamcinolone)
Systemic treatment is aimed at suppressing the activity of bacteria and reduce inflammation, suppress the production of sebum and affect hormone balance. Systemic drugs include systemic antibiotics (tetracycline, doxycycline, trimethoprim), hormonal drugs to suppress the production of androgen hormones (such as estrogen) as well as Vitamin A / retinoid.
Surgery is needed to repair skin scarring due to severe acne.
Generally, acne will heal itself when aged 30-40 years. Acne is not considered a disease, everyone has experienced. So do not feel inferior, or lacking in confidence. Do not also be stress and depression because of acne. Important thing is how do we prevent the appearance of acne and prevent it from become heavy or to cause scarring, and no less important is Budayakan clean and healthy living.