Tuesday, October 22, 2013
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Exercises To Keep Sick Days At Bay
Exercises To Keep Sick Days At Bay
Beginning Stance: Stand tall with feet about shoulder-width apart,
toes pointing forward, and knees bent slightly. Arms and hands are relaxed
at sides. Look straight ahead and tuck pelvis slightly to drop tailbone toward
floor. Touch tip of tongue to roof of mouth to relax jaw. Inhale through nose.
Pause for a second, and then exhale through mouth, drawing navel to spine.
Repeat for 3 to 5 breaths. Breathe in this manner as you continue.
Circle & Strike Palm: From the beginning stance, inhale as you circle hands
up in front of you, as if stroking an enormous pregnant belly, to chin height,
palms facing down. At the same time, shift weight to left leg, bend left knee slightly, and raise right heel off floor, rotating foot slightly outward. Exhale, lower hands to about waist height, shift weight to right leg, bend right knee slightly, and raise left heel. Inhale and circle hands out to sides. Exhale as hands come around in front of chest as if they are going to clap, right hand closest to you. Simultaneously raise left foot and lightly place left heel on floor in front of you, foot flexed.
Grasp & Stroke Bird: Inhale, reach both hands up diagonally to right (grasp bird),and tap left toe on floor behind you. Exhale and swoop arms down in an arc
(stroke bird) as you step right foot next to left one, turning your body to face
slightly left. Continue circling hands up until they’re in front of chin, palms facing forward.
Exercises To Keep Sick Days At Bay
Beginning Stance: Stand tall with feet about shoulder-width apart,
toes pointing forward, and knees bent slightly. Arms and hands are relaxed
at sides. Look straight ahead and tuck pelvis slightly to drop tailbone toward
floor. Touch tip of tongue to roof of mouth to relax jaw. Inhale through nose.
Pause for a second, and then exhale through mouth, drawing navel to spine.
Repeat for 3 to 5 breaths. Breathe in this manner as you continue.
Circle & Strike Palm: From the beginning stance, inhale as you circle hands
up in front of you, as if stroking an enormous pregnant belly, to chin height,
palms facing down. At the same time, shift weight to left leg, bend left knee slightly, and raise right heel off floor, rotating foot slightly outward. Exhale, lower hands to about waist height, shift weight to right leg, bend right knee slightly, and raise left heel. Inhale and circle hands out to sides. Exhale as hands come around in front of chest as if they are going to clap, right hand closest to you. Simultaneously raise left foot and lightly place left heel on floor in front of you, foot flexed.
Grasp & Stroke Bird: Inhale, reach both hands up diagonally to right (grasp bird),and tap left toe on floor behind you. Exhale and swoop arms down in an arc
(stroke bird) as you step right foot next to left one, turning your body to face
slightly left. Continue circling hands up until they’re in front of chin, palms facing forward.