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health benefits of eating oranges

Health Benefits of Eating Oranges
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health benefits of eating orange
An excellent source of vitamin C.
A good source of beta carotene, folate thiamine, and potassium.

May produce allergic reactions in some susceptible people.

health benefits of eating orange
Orangesare one of the most famous and popular fruits, oranges are usually associated with vitamin C, and with good reason. One medium size orange provides about 70 mg, more than the adult dietary requirement. As an antioxidant, vitamin C protects against cell damage by the free radicals produced when oxygen is burned in the human body, and it may reduce the risk of certain cancers, heart attacks, strokes, and other diseases. Oranges also contain rutin, hesperidin, and other bioflavonoid, plant pigment that may help prevent or retard tumor growth. In addition, they have small amounts of other vitamins and minerals; these include beta carotene, thiamine folate and potassium.
Oranges are low in calories, one orange contains approximately 60, and an additional benefit is that membranes between the segments of the fresh fruit provide good amounts of pectin, a soluble dietary fiber that helps control blood cholesterol levels.
health benefits of eating orange
Fresh oranges are not only a delicious snack or dessert; they are also a flavorful ingredient in salads and some meat dishes. A half cup of freshly squeezed orange juice has roughly the same amount of nutrients found in the fresh fruit, much of the pulp and membranes are stained out of most commercial brands. Canned oranges lose most of their vitamin C and some minerals during processing, and they are usually packed in high sugar syrups. The peel of the oranges is sometimes dried to make candied orange peel or flavorings. Caution is needed, however, because the peel may be treated with sulfites, which can trigger serious allergic reaction in susceptible people, also oranges peel contain limonene, oil that is a common allergen. Many people who are allergic to commercial orange juice, which becomes infused with limonene during processing, find they can tolerate peeled oranges.
health benefits of eating orange
There are many varieties of oranges; the following are some of the commonest.
Hamlins: are grown mostly in Florida, these oranges are seedless and     
                pulpy; they are used mainly for juicing.
Jaffas:     are imported from Israel and other sunny regions. They are slightly 
                sweeter than Valencias.
Maltese:  these oranges are sweet, deep red oranges originating in Italy.
Navel:     These kinds of oranges are sweet and seedless and are the second  
                most common type in the United State of America.
Sevilles:  are sour oranges that are used mostly for marmalades.
Temples: are very sweet, juicy and full of seeds, and are a cross between 
                tangerines and oranges.

Valencias: the most common variety in the United States of America, are 
                used for eating and juicing.
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange
health benefits of eating orange