Saturday, October 12, 2013

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10 Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women

Healthy Food For Pregnant Women - Women who are pregnant does require a healthy and nutritious food so the baby is in the mothers stomach is getting enough nutrients for development. Indeed, it looks very heavy, because the mother had to think of two foods at once, which is to his own body and to the baby. For that you must be careful - careful in choosing the food that you will consume, and considering the existing nutrient levels in foods. Here is a list menu of healthy foods for pregnant women that you can consume.
Healthy Foods Pregnant Women
  • Eggs: Eggs are an excellent source of high quality protein which is good for the development of the baby in your belly.
  • Salmon fish: This fish is one fish that also have high protein than eggs. Furthermore, salmon also contains omega-3 fats.
  • Nuts: Beans have fiber and protein, especially beans best.
  • Sweet Potato: Because it contains vitamin C, folate and fiber are also good for the body and the development of a baby in the belly.
  • Vegetables with Leaf Color Dark Green: benefit of vegetables is already no doubt, especially for pregnant women is certainly very useful. Examples that have dark green leaves are spinach, kale, etc..
  • Fruits: It is no doubt also the fruits is very good for women who are pregnant because of a variety of content in the fruit.
  • Meat without fat: Meat is a source of protein, but look for meat that contains no fat because fat is not good for the baby in the stomach. Look for meat that fat is separated.
  • Yoghurt: This is one of the foods that are low in fat and rich in vitamin D (calcium) is good for our bones and strengthen bones in infants.
  • Red Beans and Broccoli: Is one of the foods that are rich in fiber and iron which is essential for the development of cells red blood cells in the baby in the belly.
  • Skim milk: Milk is different from regular milk because milk is very rich in protein. It also contains a lot of calcium and vitamin B12.
Healthy Menu Pregnant Women
That menu healthy food for pregnant women are very good for the body itself and the development of the baby in the stomach. 

Please note that for consuming some foods that have been mentioned above, still have to pay attention to portion sizes and do not overdo it, because if the excess is not good for the development of the baby. May be useful for those of you women who are pregnant not to eat in vain to maintain the health and development of infants.